It’s that wonderful time of year again, where costumes, candy and fun are all that matters. It’s Halloween! If you want your pet to join in the festivities, don’t forget to take the following precautions:
It is common knowledge that dogs should never eat chocolate, it can cause severe symptoms and can even be lethal. But some people aren’t aware that Xylitol, an artificial sweetener commonly found in sugar free candy can also be poisonous to dogs. “Xylitol ingestion can also cause liver failure in dogs, even if they don’t develop symptoms associated with low blood sugar,” ( Make sure to keep an eye on the bowl of treats for the trick-or-treaters!
Keep Your Pets Indoors
With all the little ghouls and goblins running around the neighbourhood, it might be a safer option to keep your pet inside. The colourful costumes and masks could make your dog feel uneasy, and this can cause unexpected aggression or anxiety. Planning to hand out Halloween candy? Keep your dog in a secure area, the scary masks could cause an escape attempt.
Feel like taking your pup out with you to show off their cute little costume? Bring enough doggy treats to keep them calm and happy. We recommend Caledon Farms Beef Liver Bites. They are the perfect low calorie treat for your pup, especially if you want to keep their attention.
If you have taken your dog out on Halloween before and are comfortable with having them assist in the trick-or-treating fun, don’t forget to get some pet safe night gear. This could be a reflecting pet jacket, glowing pet collars or bobbles. It will not only give you the chance to dress up your pet, but it will keep them safe. Between all the kids running around, cars on the street and the overall excitement of the night, it is better to be safe than sorry! These accessories can be purchased online or at your local pet shop!
One of the best parts of Halloween is the creepily decorated houses.
When you go into any store that sells Halloween decorations, you’ll see elaborate displays that require extension chords, batteries, etc. If you are taking your pup out with you while the kids go trick-or-treating it’s best to not let your pup explore too much on the lawn of the houses. There could be extension chords not properly concealed or even small decorative pieces that could be ingested.
The decorations for the inside of your house should be kept out of reach from children and pets. Although not toxic to dogs, festive decorations like pumpkins, gourds and dried corn can be swallowed which could lead to some stomach issues.
Pet Costumes
Dressing up your pets might be adorable to you, but they might not like it as much as you think. If you know your pet is uncomfortable with wearing a costume, save your money. Your pet is just as cute without it!
Some pups love to wear costumes. Is this your pet? Try on costumes before the big night so you can judge the fit of it, have lots of treat on hand. Trying on the costume a week or two before Halloween night will let you know if your pup’s skin is sensitive to the costume or if it distresses them at all. Make sure that their costume does not limit his or her movement, sight or ability to breath, bark or meow. “Check the costume carefully for small, dangling or easily chewed-off pieces that could present a choking hazard” (ASPCA)
Remember, Halloween is one of the best holidays in the year. Take precautions to ensure that everyone in your family (including, four-legged ones) has a safe and fun time!